SourceCode Overview

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Warning : preliminary documentation This part is about the C++ SourceCode and Lua Scripts for SFZ.


* src/			: c++ source files (.cpp)
* include/		: c++ header files (.h)
* data/			: data files
* data/lua/		: lua scripts (.lua)

the c++ source code is in the src/ directory, the headers are in include/

the lua code is in the data/lua/ directory,  one main.lua and several libs.<br>
large parts of SFZ are coded in lua to ensure high flexibility, <br>
and customizability without recompiling, while keeping performance critical code in c++.


the data/ dir contains all data, lua scripts are under data/lua/

* main.material			contains definitions of materials used by ogre
*			standard materials and fonts
* lua/				contains lua scripts
* lua/main.lua			central lua file
* lua/udata.lua			helper used for lua binding (luabind.h)


 for most things there are  
 include/thing.h  as header
 src/thing.cpp    for the actual code
 src/thing_L.cpp  for lua bindings/wrappers

*main.cpp			main function
*game.h .cpp			mainclass, init, step, deinit

*scripting.h .cpp		global interface for lua, and utils
*luabind.h			template class for lua binding
*luaxml.h .cpp			make tinyxml parser available for lua
(there are currently luabindings for data, builder, gfx2D, gfx3D, widget, fifo, luaxml,...)

*ogrewrapper.h .cpp		central interface to ogre
*robrenderable.h .cpp		util for custom renderables
*meshshape.h .cpp		used for mousepicking of meshes (statics,dynamics,chars)
*widget.h .cpp _L.cpp		managing for gui elements

*gfx2D.h .cpp _L.cpp		wrapper for 2D graphics
*gfx3D.h .cpp _L.cpp		wrapper for 3D graphics
*SortedOverlayContainer.h	gui-element class (z-ordering)
*BorderColourClipPaneOverlay.h	gui-element class
*ColourClipPaneOverlay.h	gui-element class
*ColourClipTextOverlay.h	gui-element class

*camera.h .cpp _L.cpp		lua binding for ogre cam
*viewport.h .cpp _L.cpp		lua binding for ogre viewport
*material.h .cpp _L.cpp		lua binding for ogre material
*rendertexture.h .cpp _L.cpp	lua binding for ogre render-to-texture holder

*sound.h .cpp _L.cpp		sound and musik wrapper
*sound_fmod.cpp			sound implementation using fmod
*sound_openal.cpp		sound implementation using openal

*prefix.h			should be included first in every source file, for os specific macros
*shell.h .cpp			obsolete, inits timer and random
*input.h .cpp			keyboard, mouse, see also ogrewrapper.cpp for OIS access
*listener.h .cpp		baseclass for listener pattern
*smartptr.h			baseclass for smartptr design pattern
*timer.h .cpp			timed callbacks, stepper, fps-calc, etc
*profile.h .cpp			runtime callstack and calltime measurement
*tiny?.h ?.cpp			tiny xml parser
*robstring1.2.h .cpp		string utils

*net.h .cpp			networking
*fifo.h 			first in first out buffer, used by net


main.lua			main file

lib.guimaker.lua		core of the guisystem drin, utility functions for creating text-fields etc, no UO specific code
				sort of like the interface to the c++ gui code, and common shortcuts
lib.edittext.lua		text-input fields
lib.fadelines.lua		the messages at the bottom left of the screen that slowly fade away
lib.input.lua			keyboard and mouse events, keybindings
lib.plaingui.lua		simple gui, only used for teleport dialog in offline gameplay
lib.time.lua			calcs fps, calls MainStep from main.lua and calls registered steppers
lib.util.lua			some utilities, mainly vector and quaternion math
lib.xml.lua			xml-parser utils (see lib.gfm.lua for parser usage)