Installed WikiPlugins

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Revision as of 16:46, 9 January 2011 by Mezzodaemon (Talk | contribs)

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>=== graphviz ===

diagramms using a straighforward plaintext syntax<br> <pre><nowiki><graph> digraph G {

 A -> { B, C };
 D -> A;

} </graph></nowiki></pre>

<graph> digraph G {

 A -> { B, C };
 D -> A;

} </graph>


this mediawiki now supports source code highlighting. <code>#language# ...put your code here... </code>

language can be something like java, javascript, cpp, prolog, perl, php3, python, ruby, flex, changelog, lua, caml,sml

if #language# is not specified cpp will be used

wiki-syntax inside <code> will be ignored


function FindRandomStartplace () {
	$o = sqlgetobject("SELECT MIN(`x`) as minx,MAX(`x`) as maxx,MIN(`y`) as miny,MAX(`y`) as maxy FROM `building`");
		$x = rand($o->minx-20,$o->maxx+20);
		$y = rand($o->miny-20,$o->maxy+20);
		$d = 20;
		$count = sqlgetone("SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `building` WHERE (".($x-$d).")<=`x` AND `x`<=(".($x+$d).") AND (".($y-$d).")<=`y` AND `y`<=(".($y+$d).")");
		if($count == 0)break;
	return array($x,$y);

function TypeCheck ($arr) {
	if (count($arr) == 0) return "1";
	return "`type` = ".implode(" OR `type` = ",$arr);
	std::string test = "blabla \n\n [[wikisafe]], automatic nowiki

"; }