On-line Poker

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Is online poker safe, is the question that many, who want to play poker online, will want answered. To really answer that, you must know a bit more of the online poker industry. Traditionally, poker playing was the domain of 'brick and mortar' establishments, where gambling houses and casinos hosted poker games. Slim margins and high overheads have however discouraged casinos from offering poker games. Casino owners much prefer replacing poker rooms with slot machines - they earn more revenue that way. With much lower overheads, and lower barriers to entry, online poker has therefore filled this void. From the late 1990's, sites like Planet Poker came into existence to cater to a growing number of gamers wanting to play poker online. Today, online poker sites like PokerStars and PartyGaming offer 24/7 online poker games to anyone who longs to play online poker.

And if you want to learn to play poker online, an entire industry has sprung around teaching you to do so. If you are wondering where your odds are bette I would suggest to try this site out PokerStars To play poker online, look for established online poker gamming sites that have a track record of promoting safe poker playing. One of the industry's leading online poker playing sites is Toronto-based PokerStars. Boasting a market value of over $2 billion, PokerStars attracts the highest number of visitors who play online poker. While sites such as PokerStars have established themselves as market leaders in the online poker arena, you will stumble onto many lesser known names in your quest to play poker online.

You should be very mindful of fraudulent sites presenting big rewards and promising huge winnings. While reputable sites, such as PokerStars, invest in collusion detection software to prevent fraud, colluding amongst players to defraud fellow online poker players is the norm at other sites. The ideal online poker site must have a fairly high number of players, since those are the sites with a broader variety of games and where you may stand a better chance to participate in a game. And study the fine print of rules to make sure you are comfortable with the policies around the rake structure. Good online poker sites, such as PokerStars, offer great bonuses for reloads, sign-up or deposits.

When you are searching for a good site to play poker online, look for those that are offering great promotional offerings. Don't forget to compare online poker sites for their loyalty programs, like the ones available at PokerStars, which is easily the best in the industry. A final piece of advice - don't break the law! Some countries have banned online poker. So check your local laws before you play poker online. So, the answer to the question 'Can you safely play poker online' is - Yes. But you need to take all of the points mentioned above into consideration, if you want to have a truly legal, safe and pleasant experience with online poker.