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Is Rock of Ages timeless or merely tired? Maybe both. Which consists of stellar cast and equally great performances, you'd think all are going to be well. Selecting wrong. Rock of Ages jogs my memory on the real rock opera, Tommy, that had been transferred to a movie 37 previously. Tommy was ground-breaking like a record, powerful on stage, but fell flat on the watch's screen. Watch Rock of Ages Online Much like Tommy, the problem here might be an item in the treatment not the tunes.

First, the excellent: Tom Cruise fans, rejoice -- Cruise is terrific as Stacee Jaxx. Imagine combining the design of Brett Michaels (today) while using moves of Axl Rose (within his prime), and that will provide you with a feeling of the amazingly buff star's turn like a rock god. Absolute confidence, Cruise owns the screen whenever he appears. Alec Baldwin and Russell Brand are brilliant together. Their comic timing is impeccable and really should be revisited later on buddy film. Catherine Zeta-Jones reminded me quickly why she won an Oscar for Chicago. Malin Akerman is surprisingly and disarmingly funny.

Now, unhealthy: Sadly, these great performances couldn't please allow me to shake the unsettling feeling that we was watching a big-budget episode of Glee (Rock of Ages cost a reported $80 million to create). These terrific actors are simply just supporting players around the admittedly talented but syrupy real stars within this movie. Julianne Hough is her ever-adorable self which hurts when we're necessary to suspend disbelief and suppose she briefly will become a stripper (I couldn't). Equally cute Diego Boneta, who also displays a pleasing voice (within the The american idol show kind of way) is well cast because the boy Juilanne would most likely enticed by on-screen. However never was immersed within the movie. I became always consciously observing it. Even moments of laugh-out-loud humor could hardly save the opinion I used to be watching a two-hour, highly sanitized, music video. For me, the film would play better during my iPad, listening with headphones, than viewing it round the giant screen, where it felt homeless.

How ironic a movie purportedly celebrating rock prominently featured a song voted through the readers of Rolling Stone magazine (also highlighted inside movie) because worst song on the 1980's. Using the magazine, "We Built This City" won "what might be the biggest fly out victory within the good reputation for the Rolling Stone's Readers Poll." The song featured in addition to it inside a "mash-up" was another rock anthem, "We're Not Gonna Go." I heard the chorus of the song on my own car radio on the way home within the theater since the new jingle for long Stay Hotels. How fitting. The film nearly put me to fall asleep. Plus, I create a sincere plea to all or any television and movie producers -- enough already with "Don't Stop Believin'." Easily hear that song again (in an exceedingly show is not a secondary school musical) I'll scream. Also, many of the film's numerous musical numbers felt forced well as within the highest on the watch's screen. The exaggeration and campiness that works well perfectly round the Broadway stage and in many cases translated to film perfectly in director Adam Shankman's own 2007 adaptation of Hairspray, sometimes devolved into parodies that seemed more in your own home in the skit on Saturday Night Live.

Perhaps My company is simply too harsh in calling video slick re-telling (or re-singing) using the tried-and-true "boy meets, girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back" formula, set for your soundtrack on the '80s (think more Broadway and far less Sunset Strip). Couldn't fight the casting or maybe the performances or maybe the material (cue rendition of "I Can't Fight This Feeling"). Obviously, the play on that the film relies has enjoyed international success on stage. So perhaps it is simply me being too old to "get it." The simple truth is, We're jaded with regards to music. Being an guitar player myself in excess of Forty years (brace for your final soundtrack reference), "I Love Rock 'n' Roll." I simply now didn't love Rock of Ages.

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