How to Get Your Money Back Fast After Financial Loss

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Having a financial loss can set you back tenfold if you don't think outside the box. I recently had a conversation with a student of mine who lost everything in a fire including the hundreds of books she'd illustrated and written. She was an established writer and had been published. She also was a true expert in her niche and already had a website with kits and tools to teach others. She wanted to know how to make some money quickly to pay for some costs that were not covered by her insurance company. She also had a deadline where she wanted to make $4500 to cover costs she had. I give her tons of credit for being such a go-getter and writing a book about her experience. She was writing a book about how to deal with insurance companies after disaster. She not only wanted to help people, but she was using her experience to make money. Now that's an innovative mind. But, could this concept work for her?

When you want to establish a business online and make money quickly you need to utilize your expertise and your knowledge you currently already have and not look outside yourself. You can basically shave off a lot of time this way since you don't need any training or need to gain any knowledge or credibility. In this woman's case, I don't think she needs to write a book about her recent experience. Although a good concept, she has more to offer then that. She needs to use what she already has.

If you want to make money quickly online, brainstorm and think about what you're good at and what you already naturally have experience in. In this particular case, this student of mine she doesn't need any credibility because she already has her extensive writing experience backing her up. She's published and illustrated over 400 books! That's more than enough experience and credibility. So, looking at your existing skills and expertise is what's going to be one of the quickest ways for you to start making money online.

Now, what could she do to gain some cash fairly quickly? Well, if you're in a similar situation you have do options. If you had a bunch of people to mail for you, you could probably make that money back in no time at all. If you had your own list then there is no limit to how much you could make. But assuming that you don't have a list, you could look for joint venture opportunities. Since you're pretty much already in the business, it would be easy for you to establish your credibility - and in this womans case, because of your existing website. And since she's got samples of writing, as well as kits, she's already much further ahead than other people in her situation.

All of these different things, make her the perfect person that someone would not hesitate to joint venture with. I also suggested that she get testimonials from those people who she has worked with in the past to vouch for her expertise. If you are in a similar situation I highly suggest you try this strategy. Getting accolades and praise for your work ethic and skill-set will set you apart from any other potential JV partner simply because you've "done it" and are a recognized and experienced writer who has the credibility to back up your claims.

Remember, if you want to start out online, use your existing expertise to put your credibility and experience upfront so that you can become established online right away. This is one of the quickest ways to make money.

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