How to Cheaply Update to Trendy Clothing

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Trendy clothing is essential to have for any woman. You want to keep up with what's new and fashionable. Obviously, you don't want to just pick things that make you look like you are following the crowd, either. It's essential to take a trend and make it your own, wear it how you see fit! However you might think getting new, trendy clothes means spending hundreds on revamping your wardrobe every year or even every season. That simply isn't true. You just have to know what to add and where to store for trendy clothes.

Instead of revamping your closet totally, do a little closet shopping. You may find that an old dress you haven't worn in a couple of years is now part of the trendy clothing of next season. Trends recycle themselves frequently, so for all you know, you could be half way to having an up to date wardrobe! You should also hold on to key pieces that work all the time; the pencil skirt, the black pumps, a flowy blouse and that trench coat you love so much. All these things are pretty classic looks that don't go out of style and you can reuse in newer cute outfits.

When you do go searching for trendy clothes, don't automatically assume you need to jump into the nearest high end retail store to get those runway looks. Not at all! There are several lesser known stores and brands that make copies of the looks you just saw on television or in that magazine you love, that are hundreds of dollars cheaper. Be reasonable within your budget!

Start with the little items like accessories to really change outfits. Costume jewelry is affordable and easy to find and can be one way to start to update your outfits. Tribal is going to be really in for the spring, so try a few necklaces or bags if you aren't ready to embrace tribal patterned dresses.

White is also going to be in and that's an easy thing to update! There's bound to be white already in your wardrobe and adding a new button down or white skirt can be affordable if you stick with purchasing affordable clothes online. There's lots of retailers out there that sell items for dirt affordable that will last you through the season, if not longer. That way you can be on trend however not feel like you threw away money on a piece you may not wear again.

You too can have trendy clothing populate your closet without having to be a celebrity or millionaire. You just have to know where to look and how to store!