EMF Protection Hoax - Does EMF Protection Work Even Work?3760055

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An EMF protection hoax or scam is a concern for people but there are other questions to ask aside of if it is a scam that can still get you the answer you need. Are you wondering what EMF protection is? Perhaps also what EMF is exactly that you need to be protected from it and if you do need protection from it how a piece of jewelry is going to be able to do it? Well one question at a time in an order that makes a bit more sense. EMF stands for electromagnetic field and yes people do need to be protected from overexposure to it. A little bit is harmful enough but no one really gets only a little bit of EMF. How is this so?

Everything that uses electricity or moves electricity gives off an electromagnetic field. For a clearer view of what this means, this includes every single electrical appliance in a house from the microwave and blender to the vacuum cleaner, computers and televisions and this is just in your house. EMF can be found naturally everywhere such as the buildup from atmospheric charges from thunderstorms. The damage is done from the constant bombardment the human body of any age faces at EMF all around us all the time. Wearing EMF protection could block you from exposure by enforcing your body's natural field and adding its own field of protection around you.

With natural sources being what they are it is not as big a deal as the amount of EMF coming from the power lines we are always living under or the amount of television we watch or how long we are on our cell phones. We cannot as a society just give up the electricity that powers our lives and keeps us connected to what is going on around us. Not only is it highly unlikely to ever happen, it does not necessarily spell out a better future if we did give up electricity.

The fact does remain however that the exposure is bad for the health of people in general. Headaches, stress, insomnia and moodiness can all become chronic issues that increase in severity. People who can find no medical reason for these symptoms may be unaware for years. One of the biggest issues with EMF is the cell phone and the reasons why are definitely obvious. Your cell phone is always on your person whether it is in your pocket until you need it or in a clip on your hip or lanyard on your chest. No big deal? Wrong, it is a very big deal. There is a muscle test to show the effect EMF can have on your body from a cell phone and how EMF protection jewelry can help and that this isn't an EMF protection scam.

If you do not have any EMF protection you can still take this test. web The steps are simple and can be done at home.

1. Point straight out in front of you so that your arm is not bent at the elbow. Have a partner push down on your arm just enough that you have to work a bit to keep your arm pointed straight out. (Not enough to harm you at all, just enough force to make you work a bit) Take note of how well you resisted having your arm pushed down.

2. Hold a working (turned on) cell phone against your chest with the untested arm and point your testing arm back out as in step one. Now have your partner push down on your arm again in the same fashion with the same amount of force as before. Take note of the difference between the two tries.

Consider this with the realization that jewelry such as the Scalar Energy Pendant does protect against EMF and you would not feel the effects as much. Why wouldn't you opt to try one?