Ideas mission planets

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just a little braindump, nothing fancy =)

   practice : basic movement : fly forward, break
   practice : basic movement : approach planet/station
   practice : combat (non-moving : shoot scrap) : selection, firing
   practice : combat (moving : shoot satellite) : shield/hull display
   practice : mining : asteroids : gather metal for repairs
   practice : movement/race : (fly through rings), shoot targets for time-bonus
   missions : destroy out-of-control drones (easy combat)
   missions : destroy small pirate fleet
   missions : destroy pirate base (stationary defense, torpedos, bombs)
   mining : scoop gas giant for better equipment 
   mining : planetary landing : mining on planet
   mining : planetary landing : bio-pods : collecting plants
   mining : planetary landing : bio-pods : hunting animals
   mining : hunting space creatures in nebulae
   mission : passenger (requires luxurious ship, and lead to different locations, passengers : sight-seeing)
   mission : parcel (require much cargo space and/or fast engine ? can be combined with trading)
   combat : bounty hunting : attack 
   combat : protect station or convoy, either being attacked or joining a strike force,
   combat : protect passenger against bounty hunters / assassins
   stealth : steal something from corporation/pirates, plant bomb/transmitter, insert/extract spy/troops , help someone escape
   science/exploration : borrow sensor, go to nebulae/planet/gas-giant/asteroid field/singularity/sun , scan and report back
   science/exploration : collect animals/plants/minerals  
   science/exploration : collect gas from gas-giant, earth from planet, liquid from lake/sea on planet, debris from asteroids...
   gathering : acquire minerals and construction-plans (for weapons,equipment) to upgrade mothership / base  with specific stuff : good between missions
   combat : different enemy weapons/shield types expected, be prepared
   gathering : like in sundog : help growing colony on planet by getting more equipment and goods over time
   gathering : xx is broken by asteroid hit, short-circuit...  need replacement parts (uranium, electronics, ...)
   gathering : epidemic/famine/war in system x, transport  medicals/food/weapons 
   story : junkers, rebellion, ancient/alien artifacts, secret bases, build a home : mothership/colony
   story : story-lines : pirates,bounty-hunters,military,special-ops,assassins,science(explore,scan,plants,animals),
       parcel service,tourism,miners(~rebellion),colonists,archaeologists,  evil organic aliens ship,
       strange trans-dimensional beings like wraith in escape velocity,
       evil-ai with mechanical/cyborg ships like berserk in star wolves,
       diplomacy (stealth, passengers, parcel/protect, flee, spy)
       reavers like in serenity, crawlers in aquanox
       alien infestation
       crystalline high-reproduction things like the probes in uqm
   planets : 
       hot (lava, fire-storms), 
       cold (ice deserts, caves), 
       rocky (canyons, caves, deserts, oases, taiga like grassland, buffalo like animals)
       jungle (rain-forests, water, Inca ruins, elven-like civilizations, Indians, rare/dangerous animals/plants)  
       water (under-water cities, oil-platforms, plankton collection, big animals : whales, sharks, ray, squids)
       gas (floating cities, strange animals/bird/fish-like and floating plants maybe)
       earth like (mixed)
       barren rock / asteroid
       crystal worlds
       bio worlds, living mini-planet (giant turtle, like in samorost) ?
       robo-worlds : mega-city, like borg-planet or animatrix, city-lights visible from space
       stuff on planet :
         acid lakes, colorful fogs, funny clouds
         big floating gasbag like animals and plants
         spider/ant-lion like things hidden in ground (desert and dschungle), 
         tree-cities like in starwars,lord of the rings,flash gordon... (jungle)
         floating platforms of earth and grass (like in computergames;)
         canyons, canyon-cities
         ruins of cities, metal structures, crashed ships, giant robots...
         giant worms in desert (tremors,dune)
       ring-worlds, not sphere-shaped (halo)
       giant artificial-ring around planet (kane-band in escape velocity nova), orbital lifts