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Today ,start with a cardigan .Want to have a woolen coat for a long time .Last March, I and husband go to Shanghai ,we went to the niece little Yao wedding ceremony .Because of the small Yao is our younger generation first married people ,our brothers and sisters five all go .
As everyone knows ,Shanghai sweater and idiomatic and famous, and I want to have one, so ,to Shanghai in the afternoon, we all go forward with great strength and vigour to the pleasant goat wool clothing purchase of relatives .
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There is a pink dress I watched and interesting, however ,is to offer 300 yuan,about knitting expert ,she said that in the home 200 yuancan buy .We come two or three times with the shopkeeper to bargain ,they insist to be 280 yuan,that it was expensive ,so ,I have to give .
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I half-believe in .I do not doubt your feelings ,I doubt that we have is rootless duckweed, might turn around ,we missed .Besides, we are not aware of both families ,and besides, I don my parents marry going to other provinces .
Love is a sweet ,is blind .I really fell in love with a woman ,he fell in love with ,I don keep my love for you ,you promise to never abandon me ,I believe you are my followers .But ,in that moment ,you have to resign ,you say you want to enter the northeast  !I can hang on to go with you ,just think of this separation is doomed ,more thinking maybe this one will be forever ,because ,son remembers in the four directions ,I would like to have a bloody run .
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Later ,you can see my family ,so ,I be most willing to marry without all of you ,our naked marriage .Hand in hand with you day ,we a storm came .We have sorrow and joy  ;there have been crying with laughter  ;a quarrel and compromise  ;even ,also appeared the emotional crisis .
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like-minded people can be happy ,I was so contented ,how blessed ,which made me feel hand &ldquo  ;&rdquo  ;Mystery: we don rich ,we only need to rely on each other  ;we don to live an
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In just over a month the Summer Olympics will kick-off in London with thousands of athletes competing for their countries to bring home the gold

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Related articles:

In just over a month the Summer Olympics will kick-off in London with thousands of athletes competing for their countries to bring home the gold

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have children .

Coinciding with theseason, they think thirty years ago that autumn day .That autumn, arrived especially early, Lengqiqi ,wet ash ,secretly .The cold days ,she admitted to the high school ,but the school .
Father holding knee ,forehead against the knee, not to utter a single word .She comforted father  :&ldquo  ;OK ,I don have ,at home to help my father to do farm work ,can also go to carpet weaving carpet field earn some money for my sisters to school .
&rdquo  ;from then on ,she became a genuine farmhouse woman ,busy season when ,the slack time in the carpet factory ,at noon and in the evening to help mother do the housework ,because his father that time physical conditions were very poor, mother also busy to give others to do some sewing ,so at the age of sixteen ,young sister became the home of the main labor force, has become our home backbone .
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Father always guilty murmur: &ldquo  ;suffer the children .&rdquo  ;while the mother secretly .In fact ,I don is love ,because she always loud lesson I ,I think his clothes dirty ,too take her love books up .
Up until the time ,I see what his books in his arms and secretly shed tears, I know ,those books are meant to her .&hellip  ;&hellip  ;in when I was in junior high school ,she married .When he got married, she used her to give a little money to buy a few pieces of plain clothes ,marriage soon, the few clothes gave me and my sister ,a shirt in my mind ,is that I think the most beautiful clothes ,light green, pointed collar ,even as lovely Dou Xiangzhen bead clasp .
She give me said: &ldquo  ;I was wearing thin ,you wear it .&rdquo  ;at that time ,I think she really can not wear ,but mother said  :&ldquo  ;your sister she is not willing to wear .
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Each lunar day ,always received the invitation of love .Or to see the country elders ,or to have a look his father grave ,or doing nothing ,in the sister home wine and dine ,Lao Lao dishes .
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 ;&rdquo  ;&rdquo  ;?I can not understand what heart  ?Should I not shed tears of gratitude  ?How could I forget ,the cold days, what we sacrifice  !My sister ah ,thank you very much  !(
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In the father helpless days

Rare to havesuch a period of time ,and my mother ,my sister and son together .After father died ,suddenly found his mother wasting a lot ,so much older ,thought is the father to leave haze hit ,so that has strong mother moment of weakness ,however ,is seriously ill father ,mother ,early in one point one the become haggard and weak ,but our attention and ignore the mother father .
But I want to go to Hainan ,I want to take her to go ,although the mother had been ,and far away, afraid she tired, but my mother agreed, she should go with sister .Mother and I to discuss, can bring a sister .
I said  :&ldquo  ;as long as the brother-in-law agree ,then there is no problem .&rdquo  ;I understand a mother heart ,sister to marry in a rural ,almost never travelled ,as owe her ill sister ,together with his father to take care of ,so patient and careful ,mom would like to take this opportunity to give her some compensation, let elder sister also see the world ,broaden my horizons .
But sister on the phone still shilly-shally  : &ldquo  ;I was not to go  ?I said  :&rdquo  ;&ldquo  ;Ben five people ,has been so hard, have the opportunity to go to it, since the brother-in-law has no opinions ,you will be assured to go ,not just a couple of days  ?What is mind .
&rdquo  ;in fact ,I worry I know ,she is afraid for her money ,save a few money not easily ,can not lavished and play ,and she still has two to marry the daughter-in-law ,the great mother is rather wronged themselves, but also to the best life presents to children .
The elder sister ,I do not know when she can easily put down all day ,and visited several of their own .Sister and sometimes let us children very distressed and bitterness ,but we also understand her difficult and not easily .
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I got big cat ,he smiles with blossom ,son of joy ,side opening side reading ,also shout and wrangle said: &ldquo  ;cat ,also let aunt away .&rdquo  ;&ldquo  ;sister taunts  :peek .
&rdquo  ;this is my joy ,I have long not to play poker ,and mother ,sister can play together, is the son of ferial always like to play with friends ,out the tiger companion dog entanglement ,and together we happily play up .
In the car in the room in the park in the green lawn ,regardless of where the nature ,fresh air ,wind agreeable gentle ,is with an idyllic scene ,with the cool shade blot out the sun ,we in this beautiful room leisurely .
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In this picturesque scenery before sister and mother became my model, directs the elder sister in my camera .So ,finished looking at sister ,found in each picture frown, as though the locking the brow is many years slowly characterizations on, a gully like folds as if never diastolic ,I also know her grief and her life ,but do not know the pain is deep in her forehead ,sac louis vuitton pas cher,I know the cruelty of life was almost put her down ,but she still tears up ,because of that she is down, then will collapse .
I to accompany his mother and sister came to the beach, see them smile ,is willing to sea can make brow diastolic ,can agitate heartfelt genuine laughter from the bottom of my heart .
Sister is first come ,first saw the sea ,she was excited like a child ,roll up shorts trouser legs ,into the continued in the water, the tides of jump ,like a happy little girl .The pants are sea water wet ,but she don care .
Especially her has been locked brow ,in that moment diastolic .Perhaps the sea gave her broad and wide, let her time forget worries .But I hold the camera in hand, continue to press the shutter ,like sister under fixed her most sunshine most enjoyable moment, but as seawater soaked like rippling blue .
Now the wind ,in the sister in hair by .From an early age and not much difference between sister age ,big, by many reasons ,we live in different environments, sister has always been in the countryside, in her field .
For so many years she did not complain about the unfair fate ,no resentment father denied she can present as oppidan life possible .I don whether her sister often take a hard life with us ,but she never revealed before us .
Sister is always so kind ,industrious, so simple ,saving her life ,as if not too excessive, everything that belongs to her ,no matter be suffering or hardships ,she took .As the sea ,power is in the gentle breeze between ebb and flow, but also in the fury of the storm surges in the roar ,swift and violent tsunami is a sea fury when the appearance ,remain unchanged love sea be raging like a storm .
Sister dropped out of school and university graduate ,suffering from the disease ,for her as the clear sky, suddenly it is raining cats and dogs. ,she is not a little psychological preparation ,could not escape ,the melancholy he slowly climbed the brow ,the tears poured ,but she had to face .
Sister married the last moment with her and two of her sister-in-law lives together, to have two sons and three daughter lived at her side ,now sickness, three meals a day to the time delivery to the hand, also had to give her a pot small to do another ,due to her vegetarian ,as if with her living together is law ,other children on holidays to visit her sister ,then is in any case not return home, she got their meals a day keeps busy ,festival had finished ,they go ,she will go back to visit their parents .
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That father is worried about the sister said  :&ldquo  ;where you can carry her I .&rdquo  ;yes ,I fear ,because we are three sisters who also hold the real father is tall body ,and after that two people will be father onto the wheelchair is a great effort .
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Sister more hard ,her father in here do not divide day and night busy ,returned home and had to make a hurried journey without stop to do this and to do that ,so as not to cook husband and do not meals of her mother-in-law and her sick son ,improve food and make them food for a week ,to take care of the farm land .
Once I go home for the night ,the night I was awake, just a little sleep the phone rang ,it was the father of call information .I always get up quickly ,so cold days, Phi coat ran past ,so no complaints .
Father time day by day,sac louis vuitton, tough ,but because there are sister ,also so many .Suffering no one can replace ,but daily life due to sister and my uncle care and her hard work ,the father is still very happily gone through the difficult days .
My uncle often said  :&ldquo  ;E ,thanks to a few good daughter son-in-law ,or can suffer .&rdquo  ;my father was the sister said  :&ldquo  ;good daughter ,you top woman .&rdquo  ;sister is in the father need someone care situations ,give him warm help ,although we pay ,but we didn one night ,just as long as they can give a shampoo and a foot ,buy some nice ,buy some medicine .
Then the father need not money ,is to take care of .We have the Spring Festival to the father ,father even in hand do not have the capacity, on the bed of a box ,on his deathbed he gave all of sister .
Hard times is the sister gave him the warm care ,father heartfelt gratitude to say .Sister ,I say thanks for brothers and sisters ,we remember your father do .2011 for us is difficult ,for the father is extremely difficult ,the wind volume of remnant cloud lost in chaos ,but for you ,father is happy ,on his deathbed has been read: &ldquo  ;daughter ,you top woman .
&rdquo  ;parents gave us life of our upbringing, in his old sick time doing all it can to take care of is behoove ,you just pay more ,father a simple word is on you to take care of his greatest praise .
Since his father was his influence day by day limp ,his big body such as a beach no skeleton to exercise meatballs ,family person to bend the brows ,for short weak we can only sigh brother ,also made the five sisters took turns to look after ,can we carry ,not holding him in a wheelchair or hold in the closet .
In the father helpless days, most in need of care and patient care time ,is you give him the greatest help .Father walks ,peace of mind to go .Sister ,I think you must be very happy ,we are glad to have you in my life .
&hellip  ;&hellip  ;sister ,and you play together, we like to give you a warm embrace affection forever, we want to share with you some Wenrun ,spend that money means nothing  ?If I go to play ,is not that deep joy and fun ,together through the day ,slight happy ,happy day ,the kind of taste is not everyone can enjoy .
As my son ,they do not enjoy such as when we like brothers and sisters laughter brawl and deep touch my material rich ,could not give them as our childhood joy and happiness .In fact ,with the mother ,and the elderly play with a little boring and trouble ,where are we going to mother agree ,we walked fast to keep up with the mother ,I really admire .
One day walking in front of the stop for our son ,said  :&ldquo  ;together with you is really hard, is always slow .&rdquo  ;&ldquo  ;I said  :Oh, boy ,your grandmother seventy years old ,we take her where to go ,we go ,how long she go long ,never say tired ,with over twenty of you  ?&rdquo  ;son laughed ,leisurely ground says: &ldquo  ;and &rdquo  ;.
Along the way, my mother and sister church landlords ,stare ,a laughter, rippling leisurely ,comfortable and happy ,this pleasant trip left deep aftertaste .If one day ,still have a chance ,I will go with you .
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美国东部时间2004年10 月8日晚9时,cheap air jordans,美国总统布什和民主党总统候选人克里在密苏里州圣路易斯华盛顿大学进行了第二次面对面的激烈辩论,cheap jordans。双方舌战的焦点是伊拉克战争、医疗保健以及财政预算等问题。由于民调显示布什在首场辩论中不敌克里,所以此次辩论对布什意义重大。据美国有线新闻网、《今日美国》和盖洛普公司在辩论后进行的抽样调查显示,布什与克里在此次辩论中基本打成平手。此外,50%的受访者表示会投票给布什,46%的人支持克里。

Overall, 47 percent of the respondents said Kerry won, while 45 percent said the edge went to Bush, well within the poll's plus-or-minus five percentage point error margin, according to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup snap poll.

The respondents included 515 registered voters who watched the debate. Their political affiliations broke down as 38 percent Republican, 32 percent Democratic and 30 percent independent.

A snap poll taken immediately after Friday night's presidential debate found there was no clear winner in the second encounter between Republican President George W. Bush and his Democratic challenger, Senator John Kerry.

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some people flat light

Every place hasits special humanities environment ,be of no great importance to me ,as my footprints that moment ,have begun to experience their life ,may feel close to ,air jordans,or with their ideal life be misfits ,never mind ,louboutin pas cher,at least I had ,you know this is my want to live .
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that I was making no effort

Feel a little sleepy afternoon, also feel to your room and go to bed, then came to the living room, on the sofa for a nap, the sun yellow light through the wide window is irradiated to the living room, the living room.
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Soft sofa live close to me, it's like the most intimate lover I can not be separated, I even uttered a groan.Do not know from when, out of the window came a slight fragrance, not much, if any, I was chaotic hazy, and not much care, with the passage of time, more and more full-bodied aroma.
A and a, uninterrupted to the nostrils, drilled, my mind seems more sober, have strength up to look for.Then, discovered the source of scent, on the tea table daffodils bloom.It has a pale yellow stamens, lined with white calyx, becomes more and more soft water, Yan, and the faint smell of her hair out from there.
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But she is now I return the splendid and rich, make me helpless.This is the original, the so-called serendipitously while becomes shade, and why many times, yet and intends to human feeling is like running water.
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long time no see

 &ldquo  ;the next station will fly to where, my bags packed full of apprehension, pass by the scenery, to sing the songs ,how much is my .Each city neon are the United States, which is a dream of light colour ,faint hope and little me ,there is a long way .
This is one of my friends to her writing in the space of a paragraph of text, excerpts from this ,remember in my heart .&mdash  ;&mdash  ;I remember the day when I sit in ,before the screen, opened the prose network space ,called a purple people give me a message saying  :your words ,beautiful and refined,Ralph Lauren pas cher, what is love ,I also fascinated by word ,want to add you as a friend ,okay  ?I do not doubt your sincerity ,but as I write the article ,really ashamed ,.
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Here, I love you .I added your QQ ,have the reason is we all love purple ,it is our love ,as you said, purple ,elegant ,romantic ,beautiful dream ,I gave the purple dress space for you .
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They are really exist, in your life ,your soul .Escape is just a form ,and the node is in the heart, only the heart really lay down ,be relieved .We each have our own story .Do you know  ?I have dedicated to love ,but is hurt by love ,once love be forced to leave one ,paid in full, final however bruise again and again, nothing at all .
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I don your past and present ,if not forget to remember, Collectible sometimes is also a kind of happiness .If leaving is the best choice for you now ,I only wish you .Anyway ,I hope you good ,if leave is temporary .
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         If you are considering buying a home, then you may be more than a little confused by all of the terms you hear about home loans. After all,louboutin, lenders throw around words like fixed rate, balloon mortgages and adjustable rate mortgages without a thought. But if you aren? at least familiar with the basics?hose terms can be pretty confusing,air jordans!

         Here? a basic guide to the three most common types of home loans. Study it, and determine which one is right for you.

         Fixed Rate Home Loan

         If you are thinking about buying a home and staying in it until you pay it off, then you will probably want a fixed rate home loan. With this type of loan, you will be assigned a fixed interest rate,louboutin pas cher, and then that rate will not change for the life of the loan. If interest rates skyrocket, yours will remain the same. On the other hand, if they plummet, you will likely be paying a higher rate. (You can always refinance in order to get a lower rate.)

         Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM)

         The interest rate with this type of loan goes up and down with the market. In other words,polo Ralph Lauren, if the interest rate is low, the rate on your home mortgage will be low, but if it? high, your loan interest rate will reflect it. And because the interest rate on a home mortgage loan affects the payments, you will never know from reporting period to reporting period what your monthly mortgage payments will be. This type of loan obviously isn? for everyone.

         So,Ralph Lauren, who might use an ARM? For starters,louboutin chaussures, if you are purchasing a house for investment purposes and plan to sell it quickly, you might take advantage of low interest rates by getting this type of loan?articularly if it looks as if they may go lower. Another reason to use an ARM as a home loan is if you are buying a home in a time when interest rates are on the decline. You can take out an ARM, and then change it to a fixed loan once the interest rates bottom out.

         Balloon Mortgage

         With this type of loan, you will make monthly payments for a fixed amount of time, with a fixed interest rate. The difference is that at the end of the payment schedule,Ralph Lauren pas cher, you will owe the unpaid balance in one lump sum. If you use a balloon mortgage, you will find that the interest rates are much lower than either a fixed rate mortgage or an ARM.

         The obvious negative to this type of loan is that huge payment due at the end,cheap air jordans, but if you are planning to hold the house for a short period of time, then this might be the loan for you.

         By understanding the various types of home loans that are available to you, you will be better prepared to make a decision that is just right for you and your family.

         To view our recommended sources for home mortgage loans, visit: Recommended Home Mortgage Lenders Online.

         Carrie Reeder is the owner of ABC Loan Guide, an informational website with articles and the latest news about various types of loans.

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IF you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;


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  (责任编辑:婷婷)Related articles:

IF you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;

Has this year been all that it could have been

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         This is the beginning of the fourth and final quarter of the year. Today is the day to make your move forward. The time for excuses, the time for waiting is over. It's now or never. If not today, then when?

         "People are always blaming their circumstances forwhat they are. I do not believe in circumstances. Thepeople who get on in this world are the people whoget up and look for the circumstances they want, andif they cannot find them,air jordans, make them." ---George Bernard Shaw

         Has this year been all that it could have been? Have you left some on the table because you lacked certain skills or the energy,cheap air jordans, courage and persistence you needed to practice those skills?

         Are you getting the results that you really believe that you are capable of? Have you done all the things you need to do to reach the level of success that you dream of?

         There are valuable lessons to be learned with each and every setback or temporary challenge we encounter. Are you getting all you can from these challenges? Are you learning and taking steps to benefit from those learnings? Are you taking action?

         Success comes to those that are ready. They have learned all the valuable lessons. But,Ralph Lauren pas cher, there will be resistance all along the way. Resistance from others who will belittle your ideas and resistance from within yourself.. Hopefully, we have all learned to ignore those who love to critique while taking no action themselves. The most dangerous of these two forms of resistance is without a doubt the resistance that comes from within. "I need to wait until I am ready." "I need to wait until I have more time." "I need to wait until things settle down." "I need to wait until I get things in order." To know all you need to know about these excuses,polo Ralph Lauren, simply read the first four words and then you can stop...because you know all you have to know..."I need to wait..." If I had a dollar for every time I have heard the phrase, "I know what I need to do,Ralph Lauren, I just have to do it,louboutin," I would be writing to you from my private island in the Carribean. The only logical response to that question,louboutin chaussures, is " long have you known?"

         With resistance must come persistence. No matter what the difficulty you must decide that you are bigger than this challenge and you will overcome it. many times that means overcoming yourself.

         If you are struggling with mediocrity or worse,louboutin pas cher, the first place to start is with yourself, with your mindset and your beliefs. Without the proper mindset, without the commitment to succeed, without the willingness to step outside your comfort zone, all the tools and strategies in the world will only lead to mediocrity.

         Now is a fantastic time to really focus and put your foot on the accelerator. Finish up tasks that you have been putting on the back burner and persist in getting them done.

         TAKE ACTION.

         What do you know you should be doing? What skills do you need to develop or improve? How can you change your mindset for success, re-charge your desire and create new revenue and profit streams?

         Persist. Make it a habit over the next couple of days to finish what you start. Be committed to finishing this year where you belong...on top.

         Get serious. Get focused. Stop with the excuses. Start living the life you were meant to live.

         Here's to your best quarter yet.

         I KNOW you can do it.

         Greg Beverly is a Sales Coach and Teacher with more than 21 years of sales, marketing and business experience. Take your first step toward reaching your life's dreams today by visiting

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IF you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;

work not completed.Then

Sometimes not know what twisted mind, look at others a wonderful,Ralph Lauren pas cher, always be ashamed of my ordinary and general.  in fact always have great confidence, especially when it comes to work; but, was I betrayed.
In fact, many many activities can have a kind of impulse to want to want to experience wants to fight, but probably because of his pride is too strong, always in the knocking hammer then beat a retreat.
I really wanted to take part in, it is to show, I very want to enjoy the moment of standing on the stage is focus the spotlight feeling, just like the cheers, even if they are not the best, also want to be looked at feeling that.
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These two years, feel best when only is sponsorship and businessmen to discuss it, don't sit on pins and needles, not anxious, not afraid, just enjoy, enjoy and an adult conversation and exchange of feelings.
Give up doing minister, now,louboutin, public relations has become the past.My life is boring and regression.Internet, sleep, self-study,cheap air jordans, fallen.Every day is.Sometimes observe people around,louboutin chaussures, summary of those social phenomenon, then, patted his face laugh out of court.
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Occasionally looked up, have a look the scenery out of the window, the envy of others in the splendid and arrogant smile, stroking his tiny ache chest, continued to smile to life.  I believe, someday, I will to flee again, back to my envy circle.
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In this coldwinter ,with a pair of intimate lovers be reluctant to part ,respectively in Chaotianmen docks .Not over, but for the ideal to strive .The women clean and spotless thoughts ,like a fragrance fragrant plum blossom ,still open in the vast snow in … &hellip  ;&mdash  ;&mdash  ;I thought ,a warm home ,can put your heart ,,untamed heart .
But I don ,hot love ,already burned ,only those eager wings .To the north ,to the north ,you put that hard work ideas, firmly packed in bags .The elder brother mind ,early with snowflakes fly together .
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Deafening siren is your charge ,see you in the snow ,and the sun, I pray ,calm water .Brother ah ,you remember ,they look at you like  ?We will be separated by the trials of a long journey ,but ,I or that one ,in your heart, legendary mei .
Brother ah ,please wear that ,I care for you to knit sweater ,she is drenched with my career .Therefore ,I particularly careful to our love ,in which a thick fabric ,wearing it ,as they embrace ,the elder brother chest ,to keep warm with incense .
Brother ah ,your affection, over my eyelashes ,your career ,looking forward to your early return of the native .Take some warm hands ,slowly backfall ,palm lines ,then buried the eternal memory .
Look, the distant hills ,covered with pale and depression ,let me feel desolate  ;ask around ,Ralph Lauren,snow ,why to bury old bridges  ?Sigh ,sad rain was dripping blood ,into haggard water  !Wipe tears ,cheeks ,soak the old songs .
Brother ah ,your career ,has not touched your heart ,your career ,waiting for your romantic paradise .Days old ,easy drought, they miss in the snow overgrowth .When you back yo ,my brother .
Don my window and let the baby plum ,babble ,rusty your face .I keep you with great care to write back ,with both ,treasure in the chest  ;I put you make a hot word in his mouth ,hidden in the heart .
Parting words ,said, say ,not to say, also asked .The remaining words ,pharyngeal back to the stomach ,fermentation with anxiety of bitter, soaking ,grand award .My brother now,louboutin chaussures, open your window to the soul ,you have to remember ,your career  :wind snow ,hesitate hesitation waved ,the figure ,according to people .
Blink of an eye ,louboutin,head ,tears ,sorrow .Fuzzy figure ,was the wind wheel after dripping blood ,Mei Xiang ,also stand in snow .Where came moaning Sax ,the tragic penetration, through both the chest hall .
Farewell ,at this time, only a silent sigh .The north wind ,tore up the only sunshine  ;ginkgo ,put all the leaves tremble light .My brother Oh, those were sleepless past ,now ,in both heart ,gradually become translucent .
Memories of the suffering ,the combustion in the thoracic cavity, endless love ,plugging in both heart .Trembling soul ,against the wind shrine  ;past warmth ,cannot let the snowflake licking .
Although ,are only temporary .Elder brother, both heart yo ,still be endless suffering stab .My brother Oh ,you both ,will keep you junctions, for the full of thoughts ,just as your soul open .
Think back to the willows in spring ,it is known the elder brother place  ;want to return to the summer pond, it is full of be deeply attached to each other .Although ,cheap air jordans,some left, you both know  :I ,Adam ,will be returning to the garden of Eden ,the serpent with Satan ,Ralph Lauren pas cher,strangled in the apple tree .
My elder brother ah ,like Odysseus ,again in both heart .Want to become a swirling butterflies ,fly around you  ;want to have a horse riding a cloud and towards the white horse, holding both miss, Mercedes-Benz in the elder brother .
Lift up the cup of a wine ,they only get sour sweet bitter ,buried in the heart .My elder brother ah ,Mei ,only for your return ,louboutin pas cher,singing .Think about hanging a rusty lantern ,sent off in the dock ,illuminate the only way back  ;think of the stars in the sky ,welcome to my eye ,the elder brother heart ,full of bright stars .
Wish ,cold wind and snow,air jordans, don be mad ,Mei ah ,standing in the wind of the beachhead ,soon as ,lonely amah rock .Brother ah ,don everything in the home ,not with your grief ,intentions to fight for your ideals to struggle  !I let the baby learn the first sentence, is called &ldquo  ;father ,father &rdquo  ;&hellip  ;&hellip  ;you listen ,you listen ,you hear  ?They whisper ,down your sky &hellip  ;&hellip  ;a gentle woman, humming songs ,holding a round moon, carefully weaving ,their castle in dreams &hellip  ;&hellip  ;note: ( 1)Adam ,the Bible human ancestor ,because of eating the forbidden fruit was God out the garden of eden .
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the market buy some chive seedlings planted in the platform

Life, need to wait for the   the late spring and early summer, the market buy some chive seedlings planted in the platform, in the vegetable garden.Sell Green Miao people say, can survive.After the watering, fertilizing, accompanied by hope and expectation.
But the green onion seedlings ungrateful, did not grow sturdily.On the contrary, it is one day perish.Until one day,louboutin pas cher, originally green onion leaves, dry up.Disappointed, I said to him: “ it seems that sell green,air jordans, deceptive.
Buy back when to eat!” the next day, concentrate and focus on those new seed of hope: pepper,louboutin chaussures, parsley, chives, grapes and so on, there are several trees in the so-called “ strawberry tree ”.
The plants also deliver the goods, have emerged to grow, spirit, a wild profusion of vegetation.Suddenly one day, I was pleasantly surprised to find, in the small chive root, small leaf extract,cheap air jordans, tender, is juicy, with vigorous vigor and vitality.
Originally, the old leaves wither, to new leaves of the pull out,Ralph Lauren, so some day, these small, pointed leaves have been saved to volume,Ralph Lauren pas cher, waiting for germination.Five one home, Amoy few tree saplings, every tree saplings, there are purple in early puberty bone, back, contained to the pot.
Look forward to the day after the beautiful flowers.Wanted, sprouts eventually withered,polo Ralph Lauren, and yet the blooming flowers, also died.Hesitate for a few times, always not willing to discard it.Once it is pulled out from the flowerpot, see root fortunately,louboutin, they carry the flowerpot.
Pick up the scissors, the flower soil on stems, all cut off.Watering the vegetable garden and other flowers and trees, also can give it some water.Thought: you can live, resign oneself to one's fate.And just the other day, it should also take out.
Squatting on the tiny buds, looked at it, and turned to have a look reminiscent of those withered and recurrence of shallot, now long small appearance.Just like: it seems that this life, germination, it is required to wait.
But, wait, patience is essential.In life, there are always some seemingly bright hope, in my expectation, a little dim, until there is no silence.Know ye not, it will come to you when you least expect it, to sprout.
The so-called intention to grow flowers made, an unexpected bonus.So, with a common heart, treat life in back and forth.The end of hills and rivers, do not worry about the sad; dense willow trees and bright flowers, be thankful.
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400.00. How did he do it you ask

Local police auctions is a great source to find seized and forfeited merchandise right in your own back yard. Buying from a local police auction is great way to either find that item that you only dreamed about, for pennies on the dollar, or an easy way to generate a stream of potential wealth. There are many online auctions that allow you to place a bid on an item usually after viewing a few photos of the item,louboutin, but my recommendation is to find these auctions within your state and nearby cities, go see the items that you may want to potentially bid on in person. Prior to the auction,louboutin chaussures, there is usually a period of time to preview the item offered.

Local police auctions function on one very basic principle. A large quantity of stolen or forfeited goods is confiscated and turned in for evidence. Since it's nearly impossible to find the rightful owner of these goods,louboutin pas cher, these items build up rather quickly,Ralph Lauren pas cher, and need to be disposed of in the same manner?ast and cheap. I know of a man that bought a Rolls Royce for $400.00. How did he do it you ask? Very simple, he was the only one that showed up to bid. This gentleman then turned around and sold this car for more than $60,000. Now that is what I call I nice days pay. Now granted this is an extremely rare case, but the idea is sound, the average citizen is just not informed,Ralph Lauren, and those that are, reap the profits.

Every year, literally millions of dollars' worth of assets,polo Ralph Lauren, forfeited merchandise or seized goods are sold through local police auctions at a fraction of the retail cost. These auctions exist in every state and almost every city in the country. Unless you know where to look,air jordans, these bargains often go unnoticed by the general public. This is a potential windfall of wealth and savings, going to only those that are informed. It's almost impossible for you not to find what you are looking for.

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Local police auctions, offer you just about anything that you can imagine, and at unbelievable savings. At local police auctions, you can purchase real estate, cars, boats, planes, artwork, jewelry, furniture, you name it , you can find it at local police auctions. These items are gathered from seizure laws and can be found in various conditions,cheap air jordans, many of them are near new.

Information is one of the oldest commodities throughout history. With information comes power, with power wealth usually follows. By becoming informed, you can buy these items at next to nothing, and either keep them for yourself, or sell them for a profit. It does not matter what the item is, there is always a buyer that is willing to pay your asking price. Local police auctions usually offer small objects such as books, jewelry, clothes, electronics, music, but you will also find cars, boats, motorcycles, RV? and so forth. Wealth is at your fingertips at local police auctions.

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2. Take a defensive driving course.

         1. Have your current insurance policy with you when requesting your insurance quotes.,air jordans

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         1. Consider level premium term insurance.

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         1. Consider a higher co-payment or deductible.

         2. Join a group health insurance plan.

         For a long-term insurance quotes

         1. Consider a longer elimination (waiting) period.

         2. Purchase coverage when you are young (premiums are lower).

         3. Pick a daily benefit based on where you live.

         Matt McWilliams is one of the co-founders of HometownQuotes.Com, an online insurance quotes web site. He is originally from Pinebluff, NC and attended Middle Tennessee State University. He is considered an expert in the field of online insurance shopping and finding new ways to help consumers save money on their insurance. For more information visit


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6. Not sticking to your plan

1. Trading with money you can? afford to lose.

A big source of trouble arises when a trader starts to deviate from their strategy. Maybe for a week they will trade according to one set of rules and the next use something entirely different.

The thing to keep in mind is that there can be no absolute certainty in any given trade. All we ever can do is take a very educated risk along with a leap of faith,cheap air jordans!

When you are wrong just use a simple 4-letter word to correct the situation-SELL!

Once again,polo Ralph Lauren, whoever or wherever you came from does not concern the markets. All the charm, powers of persuasion, number of diplomas on the wall or business savvy will not budge the market when you are wrong.

I have seen a number of individuals enter the trading game that were extremely successful in other business ventures. Because of this they had a fairly big ego and thought they couldn? fail. Their egos became their downfall because they couldn? except that they were wrong and refused to bail out of bad trades.

The following are a list of nine things you want to avoid at all costs. Anyone of them can literally destroy your financial dreams and goals,air jordans!</p>

You must never deviate from your methodology once you start. As long as it is a good one statistically there is absolutely no reason to change it. The way to make money from it is to trade it over and over again to exploit the edge it gives you.

All of these are okay to a point, however the big mistake to avoid is taking so much time that you let the trade take off without you. Interestingly,louboutin pas cher, what ends up happening as a result of waiting too long is that you actually increase your risk. This is because as a stock moves higher and higher there are fewer buyers left in the market and it can come tumbling down until more buyers step in. It is like a game of musical chairs; eventually someone gets caught without a chair.

Traders who wait and wait and wait to make extra sure are usually the ones buying the top tick just before the stocks sells off. They then beat themselves up thinking they picked the wrong stock. Odds are it had nothing to do with their selection, just bad timing.

Nothing is more exciting then getting into a trade that blasts off and puts you into a highly profitable situation. This can cause major problems however, because this type of trade puts you in a highly euphoric state and leads to daydreaming about the huge profits still to come. You say ?ow I? already up 15% in two days; I?l be up 50% in a week and probably double my money in no time!? Then the next thing that happens is you are deciding on the great new car you are going to buy or perhaps telling your boss that he can stick it? Well you get the idea!

Maybe your opinion on market direction for the long term is correct,Ralph Lauren, but it doesn? mean that in the short term things can? move against you. Remember that there are tens of thousands of traders out there who also have an opinion. It is all these different opinions that can cause great fluctuations in price on any given day or week regardless of your outlook

7. Not knowing how to get out of a losing trade.

If you ever find yourself doing one or more of the above while in a trade then you are in big trouble! As I have already said, the market doesn? give a damn. All the hoping, wishing and praying in the world is not going to turn a losing trade into a winning one.

The simple remedy for this is to know where and how you will take profits once you enter the trade. Also, realize that the market will only go up as long as it wants and not how high you think it should go.

Let me give you an example of what I mean. Back in the spring of 1999 EFAX was a really hot stock. I waited to buy it on a dip and did so at $19/share. It started to move up strongly and life was great!

The real problem occurs as you get caught up in the daydream and expectations. This causes you to not be prepared to get out as the market sells off and eats up your profits because you have convinced yourself of the eventual outcome and will deny the reality of the situation.

I can't emphasize enough the importance of the principles in this article. Whether you are a position trader,louboutin, swing trader or day trader, these principles can help you avoid some costly and painful financial mistakes. As they say,Ralph Lauren pas cher, smart people learn from their mistakes and brilliant people learn from the mistakes of others.

The easiest way to keep a bad trade from going really bad is to determine before you get in, where you will get out. You can use a dollar amount or at some target point such as the low of the previous 15-minute bar.

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6. Not sticking to your plan

One thing to also be aware of is that a trader is most vulnerable to switching approaches after a few loses. So, pay special attention at these times.

5. Three 4-letter words that will kill you! HOPE---WISH---PRAY

9. Falling in love with a stock or trade.

***Make sure you don? get the ?tunned deer in the headlights syndrome? This is where you see the stock fall to your stop loss point, but you are unable to take action. Maybe this is due to fear or disbelief that you are wrong, but unless you get out ASAP you could end up I major financial trouble,louboutin chaussures!

One of the greatest obstacles to successful trading is using money that you really can? afford to lose. Examples of this would be money that is supposed to be used to pay the mortgage, bills or your child? college tuition. This is sometimes referred to as ?rading with scared money?and there is a very good reason for that. Ultimately what happens is that when someone knows in the back of their mind that they are risking the rent money, they trade out of fear and emotion versus logic and no emotion.

8. Having an ego.

3. Spending profits before you make them.

After a while though, it started to come back to my entry point and then below it. Here? the problem. For some reason I really liked EFAX and sort of became attached to it. Ultimately I couldn? let go of it even though I knew I should. I justified and rationalized why my dear friend should bounce back, but it never did. I finally had to break off my love affair when the stock hit $9. (Ouch!)

2. The need to be ?ertain?

We all have the need to make sure that the trade we want to make is going to be a good one. Therefore we look for signs that will give us a confirmation to enter. This can come in several forms, for example? Tuning into CNBC or the Wall Street Journal to give us news that our stock is on the move or waiting for a couple of extra days to make sure that the stock is really flying and just not on a false breakout. Other traders will get opinions from friends, family or broker. Others will wait for ten technical indicators to line up and give the ?reen light?

If you are in this situation I highly recommend that you stop trading until you earn enough to put into an account that you truly can afford to lose without causing major financial setbacks. You can start with as little as $2000 and trade stocks under $30.

This article is courtesy of Dr. Jeffrey Wilde, a trading veteran with 15 years of experience in all major markets. He is a trading coach to over 1400 traders in 38 countries.For additional info:

4. Forming an opinion.

I? here to tell you that the market does not give a damn about you or your opinions. Even if they are based on painstaking research or from a ?all Street Guru? it doesn? matter!

The moral of this story is never fall in love, let alone get married to any stock. It can cost you dearly!

It? amazing how many people I have talked to who don? have any clear escape plan for getting out of a bad trade. Once again they hope, pray wish and rationalize their position. As I keep saying the market does not care what you think. It does what it does and when you are wrong you are wrong!

This flying by the seat of the pants always ends up backfiring. This is because the trader can never be certain what is working and what is not.

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in Mino's opinion

Once; if there is a beautiful name into your dreams every night in?The winter cold in and can not find the original of tenderness.People often deep-seated memories in my heart.So easy as he wrote, not forget our past.
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But,Ralph Lauren, she only said to him: good,Ralph Lauren pas cher!I know, and my heart.Like one of Xi Murong's poem "song" Twilight "I love will not evening twilight in the wilderness, to see my words,louboutin, I'm afraid to explain?Rain,air jordans shoes, in Mino's opinion, I turn out the light.
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The world of a person, I also can again be insatiable?I don't know.A whole life.Everyone in life.Sax on the stage playing tonight Lonely,air jordans, could also not find evidence of love alive, for fear that I accidentally, chewing and you in the together dribs and drabs fragmentary memory.
Do not know who is cut out of Zoysia, raise a season mood,polo Ralph Lauren, and I, can be quiet.As for?To have their own characteristics.But I never did, with success, I really can not imagine. And think about how to say it with my many years ah so off I will love dearly I don't think I regret I have to give up I began to miss when that time can see a kaleidoscope, simply trust bloom white fairy tales,air jordans shoes, fantasy and angel face age when the toy is color paper glass marbles shabby Dragonfly cheap and simple such simple pleasures I have for many years not feeling and my dream: choose a pure time to left the world stretches to Lijiang waters take long for from the moon; to the south of the Changjiang River water moist bank green flagstone lanes end first rays of the morning sun bridge; to water casement stay open carved wooden window you can see the river and the pace was a gentle, quirky pedestrian legends to the plot of the novel,louboutin chaussures, as well as the advance of parting stop waiting but if people live in the dream and the music is enough to not be an easy job to found some purely human existence as long in their fruit if fall will there overlooking the spring can beCan so far apart from each other thoughts went up here I can't stay long after a certain moment would like now to quiet down through the past album spring after a while to clap his hands away 2012 has come striding lightsome, poetic pace with new sunshine and rain I believe it will be the tree of life with a new vitality to my life the added responsibility of massive sum let us pray for the new year we'll go forward physics teacher is a cute "little man" my head and his hair is broken by his traditional thoughts.

Taliban gunmen attack a hotel near the Afghan capital Kabul, triggering a deadly gun battle with security forces and a hostage crisis.

don't always ask

I think of all the beautiful woman said: the beauty of a woman, not your loved ones despise you, I was listening to music over and over again miss the past bit by bit.I can't imagine.Who all don't want to travel alone,louboutin, and I had seen that force a smile myself in your eyes, you say you love a girl,air jordans, when the injury is too heavy,Ralph Lauren pas cher, I have fruit.
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Will be a long time to work busy, the mother is on the phone with my Lao Lao homely, belong to me slowly corrected.The wind outside the window.I have been used to such a lonely.Played once young story.

Taliban gunmen attack a hotel near the Afghan capital Kabul, triggering a deadly gun battle with security forces and a hostage crisis.


编者按:感动真挚的感情,故事的延续需要时间,欢迎作者来稿好心情,至少在情节方面可以更好一点。加油。问好作者。   小心,是一个女孩子。
  大三,有了个纯友谊的女性朋友,她也是小心出双如对的好朋友。从她的嘴里,他听到了更多对小心的好评,也知道小心曾多次议论过我的为人。但小心在面对他时依然平静,使我无法相信她会对他有什么兴趣。他们从不曾注视,更不曾交谈,louboutin,除了通过朋友的言语了解对方,他们一无所获。她是个很有思想的人,这让他畏缩,实在是不愿接近她,让她看出他想和她说话。这种无聊的自尊,Ralph Lauren pas cher,一直延续到大四。
  三年级下学期,学校的BBS站开通。小心的朋友在他的劝诱下开始接触网络,louboutin pas cher,她很快迷上了网,进而天天拖着小心和她一起去CC上网。第一次在BBS上看到署名“小心”的文章,他便被吸引住了。发觉这个人的心境和思想与她那么相近,平生出一份珍惜。于是,她总是留意小心的文章,而且每每因为她的话而有所感触,有所收获。他开始回应她的文章,有时两人“Re”得连成一片,场面壮观。终于有一次,他对小心的朋友说了这件事,他说我喜欢小心这个人,他相信她是女的。朋友斜眼看他,一脸诡笑,让他摸不着头脑。看他不明白,她一字一句的说:“小心就是她,是她呀。”
  那晚他在BBS上等,她一出现,他就CALL她,喊出了她的真名。她吓坏了,问我是谁,怎么知道她的名字。他对着屏幕大笑,笑出了眼泪,cheap air jordans。他终于主动同她说话了,等了很久的,不必再等。
  那以后,他们时常TALK,她的打字速度也越来越快。玩笑、争论、甚至挑衅,polo Ralph Lauren,小心和他成了网路上知心的朋友。然而另一方面,虽然他们彼此知道对方的真实身份,但面对面时依然无话可说。他欲言又止,她满脸期盼,这种尴尬的场面随毕业的临近而愈渐增多。这是怎么了,她和他之间总有一道高墙。他很困惑,小心也一样,但在BBS上他们都自觉地不提及这个奇怪的现象,只把迷惑和些许悲伤留在下网回校的路上。
  大四,学校的BBS站关闭了,连CC也不再对学生开放,小心与我便失去了唯一可以交谈的空间。大四的事情其实很多,不象学弟们想象的轻松。考研,air jordans,不成又开始四下里找工作;实习、毕业设计、外出打工,直至毕业前夕众多的酒会,小心和他见面的机会都极少,更说不上交谈。在路上相遇,点一点头就擦肩而过,他回头时没见她回过头、她回头的话他也没看到。他开始遗憾,开始自责,却依然没有表白什么,挽回什么。
  终于等到别人都散开,他鼓起勇气走过去,站在她面前说:“不要再哭,Ralph Lauren,我希望和你合影时有最美的你!”小心抬着头望他,样子很难看,她点头,想笑,可是做不到。但是她不再流泪!
  今天,7月9号,小心坐火车离开大连。在宿舍前送别时,他本不打算去车站。小心她们下来,他第一眼就看到她,air jordans shoes。她远远望见他,平静地走来,伸出了手。第一次,握住她的手,他不忍放开。他们还是没有话说!!!她转身上车靠窗坐下,就怔怔地看外面,他心里真的象刀绞一样。没想什么,他就跳上汽车,一路随她去了火车站。等车的时候,她一个人坐在边上。他想过去,却被哭泣着的小心的那个朋友抱住。他安慰着她,抬眼看到小心满眼都是泪。
  站台上,louboutin chaussures,最后的送别,他知道我不能再闭口不语了。把她拉到一旁,他掏出手帕替她擦去泪水。她紧紧抓住那条手帕,从他手中夺走了它。

Taliban gunmen attack a hotel near the Afghan capital Kabul, triggering a deadly gun battle with security forces and a hostage crisis.

crying and said

Authors: Chang Hao source: Article Reading Network Time: 2011-03-05 10:16 reading: the dream in a war period, I don't know why she came to me.Every day at her feel depressed look, very upset,air jordans, so I always give her happy, she slowly becomes open up, often on the face did not smile flower up.
Together for a long time, many former misunderstandings are gone, we have become very good friends, happy together happy together.Time flies, the war quickly spread to us here, we hand in hand, go to find the place we belong.
After go through untold hardships, we came to an island.There is no war, no then fall on evil days,air jordans shoes, we established here, I also participated in the local forces, to save the world.After many years, the war will be over,louboutin, I cherish extremely excited mood to belong to our island,Ralph Lauren pas cher, but the tragedy is often staged,Ralph Lauren, when I got back there, soon to be submerged by the sea.
Many people have been relentless in the sea waves.In going aboard to rescue people, you hold me and never let me go, I said: "if I die, you must be happy to live"; one by one I pulled up, every big waves, many people a disappeared finally, a big wave knocked over my.
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She said I don't want to see you, you don't call me.I think you have to find their own happiness.I am in the corner quietly watching you,polo Ralph Lauren, watching your child and your handsome lover, I think we really have to end like this?One day, I plucked up the courage to do you often appear out of nowhere, just want to say a word to you, sorry.
When I saw her, I reached out to hug her, but she pushes me, I stood there, not knowing what to do, I choked back tears no down.I turned to go, she gave me, crying, crying and said: "why don't you go man go, you don't want me, remember our agreement?"I also really hold her, tears like rain was falling down, as if the whole world can hear our cry.
Maybe everything is over, I can see her, I think we can start over, I can give her happiness; but, I think she is very happy life, happy, I wanted to give her everything, she has; I love her, just want to give her happiness.

Taliban gunmen attack a hotel near the Afghan capital Kabul, triggering a deadly gun battle with security forces and a hostage crisis.


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  她是村里的名人,大家都喊她老师,他也一样。他们的村子与外界的交通并不方便,每一次都得从唯一的渡口过去。她已经老了,不再有年轻时的那种活力,走路也不灵活了。有一次,air jordans shoes,他特意等在那儿,他愣是要求把她背上船去。他笑呵呵地对她说,以后他想每天都背她过去。她只是微微责备说,傻孩子,老师还能走得动,哪能让你天天背啊。他说没事,louboutin,反正都顺路。而且,他还说,louboutin pas cher,等我长大了,我要娶你。她只是摇摇头,没有多说什么。


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Taliban gunmen attack a hotel near the Afghan capital Kabul, triggering a deadly gun battle with security forces and a hostage crisis.

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Taliban gunmen attack a hotel near the Afghan capital Kabul, triggering a deadly gun battle with security forces and a hostage crisis.

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Taliban gunmen attack a hotel near the Afghan capital Kabul, triggering a deadly gun battle with security forces and a hostage crisis.

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Taliban gunmen attack a hotel near the Afghan capital Kabul, triggering a deadly gun battle with security forces and a hostage crisis.


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Taliban gunmen attack a hotel near the Afghan capital Kabul, triggering a deadly gun battle with security forces and a hostage crisis.

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Taliban gunmen attack a hotel near the Afghan capital Kabul, triggering a deadly gun battle with security forces and a hostage crisis.

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So, get your adjustable rate mortgage today, and start using your own personal goldmine.

Today, it's time to ignore that conservative nature and throw out that fixed rate mortgage. If you have a home, no matter when you purchased or refinanced your mortgage, you now need to refinance your fixed interest rate mortgage to an adjustable rate mortgage.

Now, before you begin to panic and start calling me all kinds of unsavory names, read on, and you'll see why an ARM is actually a cash goldmine, and you need to start panning for this gold immediately.

For example, as of publication of this article in 2004, the 30-year fixed rate mortgage was going for around 5.75%,Ralph Lauren Shirts, and a 5-year Adjustable Rate Mortgage was going for about 4%. Suppose you?e financing $100,000. The 30-year fixed rate of 5.75% would give you a monthly payment of $583.57 (not including your taxes and insurance, which vary from state to state and county to county). The same $100,000 financed at 4.0% interest yields a monthly payment of $477.42. The difference in these two payments is $106.15. This is $1,273.80 each year, and $6,369.00 for five years. I can hear you saying, ?ow, that? hard to believe,?but these are real numbers and real savings. You may be saying, ?ure, but the rates change.? This is true, but the difference in the fixed rate mortgages and the ARMs is almost always the same, regardless of what rates the market bears,louboutin chaussures, so you?l always save a ton of money in the difference in these two payments.

When you purchased your home, you most likely got a fixed interest rate mortgage with a 15 or 30 year term. These are the most popular mortgages in the industry. Even in the summer of 2004, when the interest-only or simple interest mortgage loans became popular, the average American stuck to the fixed rate. You see,louboutin pas cher, the fixed rate offers security to conservative people, and the average American home buyer and home owner is a very conservative person.</p>

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The numbers are even more staggering if you finance $150,000. The fixed rate payment is $875.36 and the 5-year ARM payment is $716.12 ?a monthly savings of $159.24 and over $9,500 for five years. If you buy or refinance a home and finance $200,air jordans,000 or more,Ralph Lauren pas cher, you?l save between $13,000 and $15,000 over five years, with the 4% rate as opposed to the fixed rate of 5.75%.

When I was originating loans fulltime,polo Ralph Lauren, I could barely get the word ARM out of my mouth, before the customer would say, ?h no,air jordans shoes! I don? want an adjustable mortgage. I?e heard how the rates change and your payment skyrockets,polo ralph lauren, and some people actually lose their homes. No, no, I don? want my rate to change.? Of course, once I illustrated the thousands of dollars they would save in just a few years and quashed all of those myths about loan payments ?lowing up,Ralph Lauren,?most of them decided the ARM was not the ?evil loan?it? made out to be.

Bank that money and you can buy a decent car for cash, or pay for a year of college, or take a European vacation. Pretty powerful stuff, huh? Now, if you?e one of those people who is really into cutting into the term of your mortgage, and you can afford the higher fixed-rate payment, simply apply the difference back to the principal loan amount. You?l build equity in your home very quickly, and you'll always have the option of paying the lower payment.

But why risk an adjustment of your rate, you may ask, when you can have it fixed for the life of the loan? The answer is twofold and quite simple. The first part is the most important, and that is the average American either sells or refinances his or her home in four to seven years. So, if the chances are that you?l sell or refinance in five years, why fix your rate for 30 years at a higher interest than you can get on an ARM?

The second reason to get an Adjustable Rate Mortgage is because the interest rates are so much lower than fixed rates. And since these great rates are fixed for a particular period, five years on a 5-year ARM and three years on a 3-year ARM,louboutin, there really is no risk, at all. Again, in most adjustable rate mortgage programs, the interest rate does not adjust monthly or yearly (although programs with these types of adjustment periods do exist at much lower rates).


Taliban gunmen attack a hotel near the Afghan capital Kabul, triggering a deadly gun battle with security forces and a hostage crisis.


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Taliban gunmen attack a hotel near the Afghan capital Kabul, triggering a deadly gun battle with security forces and a hostage crisis.


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Taliban gunmen attack a hotel near the Afghan capital Kabul, triggering a deadly gun battle with security forces and a hostage crisis.


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Taliban gunmen attack a hotel near the Afghan capital Kabul, triggering a deadly gun battle with security forces and a hostage crisis.

push open the window

Spring, with the breeze triumphantly from the sky, like mist like smoke, falls gently to the hair, eyelashes, together with my mood infiltration of also getting wet.— — preface the breeze with clouds,polo Ralph Lauren, rain slowly floats to the earth, so fine, so soft, so close.
A slight, continuously, and the soil breath, along with the light footsteps, kiss to every corner of the earth, makes a late winter dust.Gentle smoothing comb the comb switchgrass, green grass, smart flowers overflow intoxicating smile.
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It's rainy night, deeply touching my heart, my heart unlimited reverie, the bottom of my heart that ray of light and then make a clean sweep of melancholy.Often, a person in the spring rains at night, hiding in his cabin, silently staring out the window to listen to listen to the wind,louboutin, rain dreamy whispers.
In the rain fly their own mood, savor the sweet bitter love, let myself immersed in the sweet happiness, and slight pain; let the warm during mastication in meaningful; let him sway as rain as gentle feelings; indulge in self-delusion on the breeze and drizzle in, enjoy the nature brings comfort and peace, enjoy I bring you moved.
Tonight, listen to the rhythm of the falling rain.I know, this night, I want you.Close your eyes, the window to think, when we first met it in a surprise, to us about the pleasure, to us three years bit by bit; think of your brow a wise and handsome face; to your speech text and manners and; to your sweet words and warm heart smile.
Every word, every smile touches my heart.Tonight, let me miss you quietly, let this restless infatuation with the breeze and drizzle, spanning numerous hills and streams to fly into your dream, and you together, telling all round us, I love.
Out of the window, the lingering rain still gently tap the canopy.The sound, the rhythm is like spring story, like a beautiful melody, playing my endless missing.Quietly, silently moistens my lonely soul.
Open the curtains, push open the window, the house lights in the overflow room,air jordans, fluttering Sasa rain reflecting a hazy, in front of the lawn blooming flowers are visible.The breeze blows, a fresh, elegant, fragrant smell with gentle rain in.
Drops on the face, sliding into the mouth, cool and sweet, with a taste of happiness.With a handful of rain devout in her bosom,Ralph Lauren pas cher, like cover you with tenderness.Think of this time, holding your hand, and you and bathed in the spring breeze and drizzle, let the breeze caresses your heart, let the rain moistens my thirsty soul, let us work together to revel in the spring rain rainy night.
Miss river is endless,cheap air jordans, listening to the wind drunk rain, has become my habit.I like spring rain, to show special preference to.Not only the love interest and the fresh, more like rain in this world, you I hold that a world without rain.
Tonight, I will put on your much tenderness all thoughts, into the window, rain, supporting breeze to have your city, falling in your beautiful home, and put your lights with drunk.Use the words in the heart, dedicated love and happiness for you and I love the end of life,Ralph Lauren, spectrum of a legend.
In later years, in the spring breeze, in the spring rain.Years later, when we meet again in the breeze and drizzle when, in the end of life with you chorus the legend of love.Then we, the rain laughing with drunk.

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“ passage of a year, ” new peach replaced the old character, new year come to.      inventory is over the past year, ordinary, attempt nothing and accomplish nothing, little, was very ashamed.
      spring evening, listening to Song Zuying's "call Mom and Dad", Chen Kun's "don't go home", could be heard through a mist of tears, they sang it in the common aspiration.Thinking is at the home of the parents.
Dear parents, they let us do children on their shoulders forward, no regrets, send us out of the mountains,ralph lauren outlet, into the city, and in return it is lonely.They have only put one's heart and soul into unknown to the public to pay, not a tiny bit of claim.
When I call to say to buy train tickets to work and could not go home to accompany parents have the Spring Festival, feel it is too pale, lack of confidence, in the heart of conscience, is really say not to export, while the father just smiled and said: “ that it doesn't matter, you just hand you anything,polo ralph lauren, now living conditions are good,ralph lauren, we have the Spring Festival every day,louboutin, like in the.
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In this more than a half months, where I don't want to go, no relatives around, just want to stay at home.Just want to fuck me in front of the stove when cooking, adding firewood; just one family eat dinner, I do the washing-up, over and over again in the old stove wiping white and bright.
My old mother, in the kitchen table tired curved waist, tired white hair, straight nail.For decades, day in and day out, month after January, year after year.And my mother, experience hard fuck hard, come one year, so for more than half a month.
      it is a year spring come, the year of the dragon,Ralph Lauren, I am thirty-six years old, father of sixty, is our common this animal year.His wife took a pair of red socks let me wear, said that I am a red belt.
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Carrie Reeder is the owner of ABC Loan Guide, an informational website about various types of loans.



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         Are you paying any attention to your retirement savings? Do you have it in cash or an account with a broker? Maybe you have a professional manager who is investing your money as you add to it every month.

         Is your account increasing in value every year? If it isn? why are you letting anyone else invest for you? There is no point having a loser in charge of your money. You must take the time to direct what and where you money is invested. Too many people tell me they don? know what to do,ralph lauren, but if your account has been going down every year you would not do any worse then the ?xpert?

         I love those professional money managers who tell you about diversification. You know that one. Put some in stocks,Ralph Lauren Shirts, some in bonds,polo Ralph Lauren, some in annuities,louboutin chaussures, and some in a money market account. Did it ever occur to you that the reason they want you to spread it around is because they don? know where the best place really is and hope that some part will make some money? Did your broker or financial planner brag that he beat the S&P index last year,ralph lauren outlet, but you still lost money because it was down 22%? You are better off to have it in the mattress at zero percent than watch it disappear in those monthly statements.

         Brokers are not taught to make money or even how to protect your capital. The average broker has 300 accounts and unless you have a very large sum or are an active trader he doesn? even know who you are. When was the last time you spoke with him? Ask him what his investment strategy is.

         In the past 3 years we have seen the general market (S&P500) lose one third of its value as of this date. And the Nasdaq has lost more than 60%. Recently the bond market has collapsed and wiped out all the profits of the previous 4 years. So much for diversification. The mattress looks better all the time.

         The single most important thing about investing is not to lose money. I? not joking. It is the basic rule of all professional traders (and I was one when I was a floor trader on the exchange) not to take big losses. You must make that a rule for yourself. Each week or at least once each month you must review what is happening in your account and weed out any and all weak stocks and mutual funds.

         You can be sure your broker will not call you to sell out of a weak position. It is your money and no one has more interest in it than you do. You have to take the time out to do it yourself. Take a time out now and make that call.

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         Most of the buying and selling on the stock market is handled by stock brokers on behalf of their clients,polo Ralph Lauren, who are the investors. Many different types of brokerage services are available.

         Full-Service Brokers

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         Such services are not free, of course. Full-service brokers charge the highest commission rates in the industry. Your decision whether to use a full-service broker will depend on your level of self-confidence,air jordans shoes, your knowledge of the stock market, and the number of trades you make regularly.

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         Investors who wish to save on commission fees generally use discount brokers. Brokers in this category charge much lower commissions, but they don't offer advice or analysis. Investors who prefer to make their own trading decisions,Ralph Lauren Shirts, and those who trade often rely on discount brokers for their transactions.

         Online Brokers

         Taking the discount concept 1 step further,air jordans, online brokers are the least expensive way to trade stocks. Both full-service and discount brokers usually offer discounts for orders placed online. Some brokers operate exclusively online,louboutin, and they offer the best rates of all.

         Account Requirements

         Whichever type of broker you choose, your first order of business will be to open an account. Minimum balance requirements vary among brokers,polo ralph lauren, but it is usually between $500 and $1000. If you're shopping for a broker, read the fine print about all the fees involved. You'll find that some brokers charge an annual maintenance fee while others charge fees whenever your account balance falls below a minimum.

         Cash Or Margin?

         Brokerage accounts come in 2 basic types. The "cash account" offers no credit; when you buy, you pay the full stock price. With a "margin account," on the other hand,Ralph Lauren, you can buy stock on margin,ralph lauren outlet, meaning the brokerage will carry some of the cost. The amount of margin varies from broker to broker, but the margin must be covered by the value of the client's portfolio.

         Any time a portfolio falls below a specified value, the investor will have to add funds or sell some stock. A greater opportunity exists for realizing gains (and losses) with margin accounts, because they allow investors to buy more stock with less cash. Involving greater risk than cash accounts, as they do, margin accounts are not recommended for inexperienced traders.

         Selecting The Right Broker For You

         You should carefully consider your needs as an investor before making the choice of a broker. Do you wish to receive advice about which stocks to buy? Are you uncomfortable making trades on the Internet? If so, you will be best served by a full-service broker. If you are comfortable buying on the Internet, and you have the knowledge and confidence to make your own trading decisions, then you will be better off with an online discount broker.

         After deciding which type of broker you want, do some comparison-shopping between competitors. Significant cost differences can show up when you factor in all the annual fees and brokerage rates. Estimate how many trades you expect to make in a year, how much cash you can deposit into your account, whether you want to use margin accounts, and which services you need. Armed with this information,ralph lauren, you'll be prepared to compare your actual costs for various brokers, and to make an educated choice.

         Visit Stock Trade to learn more. Ron King is a full-time researcher, writer, and web developer. Copyright 2005 Ron King. This article may be reprinted if the resource box is left intact.



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She carefully cleaned the room sanitation

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Or he just moved to that day, the movers accidentally broke her door glass .He guilty ,to help her buy a new mount .The girl said no, when she smiles ,mouth with two shallow dimples ,but eyes full of melancholy .
The girl seems to be rarely go out ,since then he never met .Sometimes ,he would deliberately at the gate to wait a little while ,hope loaded into unexpected encounter ,put her arms book hit pick up again ,to help her with some relatively heavy objects to the door .
But the result made him disappointed ,a week later, nothing happened .He also tried to put his ear against the wall ,to listen to the girl in the house what .The girl mostly very quiet ,quiet ,like living in a vacuum .
He wanted to know what does she do ,or guess her name ,her age ,she had a boyfriend .He also felt funny ,really like a voyeur .The second meet ,is a week later .Scene as he think so romantic ,even there are some awkward .
Summer rain come .From the bus station to place ,with a distance of three hundred meters ,louboutin pas cher,he was soaked through from head to foot caught .But this time, the door as he awaited the door opened .
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Fortunately ,she did not pay attention to his embarrassment ,but the black garbage bags thrown at the door, the door quickly shut .1 this is her broken last paper cranes - passionate red ,just 1000th.
Who said ,fold reach one thousand paper cranes ,heart to achieve .Only wish, in fact ,she knew it was impossible ,because she loved the boy ,never come back .The boy had told her ,and so she folded one thousand paper cranes enough time ,he would return to health of her side ,live happily together .
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Some things ,there is no way to use compensation to solve, such as human life .The boy in the evening of the same day ,never from the operation room .She lay in bed for three days ,cried for three days .
His eyes swollen again also cannot open ,she touched the bed on the paper .Then ,she continued to fold a paper crane .This is her and the boy agreed ,one thousand, even if the only thing left is a beautiful dream .
She leaned against the wall and fell asleep .The boy clearly appears in her dreams,Ralph Lauren pas cher, he wants her to continue to live strong ,he will be watching her .She is crying be awake ,staring at a wall ,although the heart is still struggle in pain ,do not know what to do .
She carefully cleaned the room sanitation,christian louboutin, at least to clean to meet another start a new life .To take out the garbage time ,only to find it .Days never go out ,in her own world as if through a long century .
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Don ,he suddenly thought of the girl next door ,and her blue eyes .There is a time ,he really wants to be the last impulse knocking on her door ,asked her to tell the poignant love story .
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Continue to draw on the second ,third ,ten relief painting .Ten hearts in the light blue wallpaper ,dazzlingly beautiful .Since the house of love wall ,he would often meet that girl .
But he did not find the right opportunity to talk to her, she always looks cool such as water ,let him not too near .Despite this ,love wall or becomes part of his life ,and every day he would draw ten hearts ,he plans to draw one thousand time, must take the girl in here, have a look .
At that time, his love it here .In 3 shefound a new job ,day there is a kind of mold to enrich themselves .Work ,work, to make new friends .Life might have toward the front sliding ,never stay in the past .
Often encounter the boy next door .Although he moved for a long time ,but they never spoke .Every time I see him ,she felt very warm ,perhaps because his face always permeated with a sunny self-confidence .
She likes to have self-confidence, will make her feel the beauty of life .Several times ,she want to take the initiative and he greet .After all, she is a shy shy girl ,even if it is just a habit ,or not to talk to strangers .
Every night, she would like to go to a nearby park ,in the lost boy ,she know should learn to take care of the body and the mind .It runs very fast ,mobile phone when he fell from his pocket do not know .
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4 since meeting her ,he found his ears became more sensitive than the hound .As long as there is a door ring ,he will jump up on the cat looks out .He followed her into the park ,behind her and ran for fifth days ,finally let him until close to her opportunity .
Her mobile phone from his pants pocket out ,but she did not notice .He put the little green mobile phone picked up catch in the hand ,excited the whole heart almost stopped beating .He catch up to ask her ,she is startled, almost his mistake to misconduct of the big bad wolf .
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She is the first step that house, on the left wall hanging a greatly .She guessed that drapes ,following is a what kind of surprise  ?He let her eyes closed ,count to third sound time, curtain pull down .
She was the one .In her eyes, a red heart ,pile into a huge love words .He told her ,is it love wall ,and also told her about the thousand cranes that he moved to tears of the story .
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l tell you why.

         Just recently in the news there was a story about an Internet company called Image Net who conducted job interviews on Mt. Fuji in Japan. Image Net sells mostly women? clothing on the Internet and I think it? safe to say Image Net thinks ?utside the box.?br /> ,christian louboutin
         Lets examine why and see if this ?utside the box thinking?is conducive to hiring new job applicants.

         When they put out their ad for the job there were 50 applicants. 21 were invited toclimb Mt. Fuji to be interviewed. 15 of those applicants showed up and only 11 made it to the top to interview. Out of those 11 three to four were offered jobs.

         The president of Image Net,ralph lauren outlet, Mr. Daiji Kanda,louboutin chaussures, climbed the mountain with the applicants and at different levels of the climb would stop and tell the applicants about the company and their business.

         Mr. Kanda and his staff gave lots of encouragement to the applicants as they climbed.

         When they reached the top of the summit they were told to video tape models and then they were interviewed.

         I believe this type of interview process is going to catch on with forward thinking companies and I?l tell you why.

         The climb provided several different opportunities for management to see how the applicants helped each other. Which ones were natural leaders and taking responsibility.

         One applicant when interviewed said he was soaking wet from the rain and climb and was not properly prepared for the climb clothing wise. Obviously he was not one of the ones hired. Would you hire someone who could not even show up for an interview properly attired? Sometimes a suit and tie just doesn? cut it.

         This type of interview also gave the company a chance to see who was lazy,ralph lauren, who was determined,Ralph Lauren, which applicants were team players,air jordans shoes, unselfish,polo Ralph Lauren, and prepared for the unexpected.

         Your typical job interview is not going to bring out these traits in applicants nor is it going to show you these personality traits.

         With many resumes being nothing more than hype and exaggerated truths I see this trend in unique job interviews growing. Apparently so has Hollywood. I am sure you?e seenThe Apprentice with Donald Trump and now the latest one with Martha Stewart.

         If you?e a hiring manager and want applicants where you can actually see their work habits and personality in action I suggest you take a lesson from Image Net.

         It? also a bonus to note that this company got huge PR from this single job interview.

         The company is based in Japan yet we heard about the story all the way across the pond in North America.

         All in all I would say Image Net came out a big winner. Great new employees plus a ton of free publicity for the company.

         Sean Martin is the author of ?ow to Get a Railroad Joband Make up to $75,polo ralph lauren,000 per Year,air jordans!?

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Debt Consolidation Primer Four Things You Can Do to Get Out

         Problem debt is rampant throughout America. In addition to mortgages and auto loans, the average household in the U.S. has nearly $10,000 in credit card debt. As the major credit card companies have recently doubled their minimum payment requirements, now is a good time to outline the various options available to most consumers who have more debt than they can handle.

         Stop spending money on nonessential items. ?onessential?is difficult to define, but it more or less means anything that isn? absolutely necessary to live. Phone bills,louboutin chaussures, mortgages, and groceries are essential. Lattes at Starbucks, satellite television, and meals from fast food restaurants are not. By cutting out all extra spending, you can probably save several hundred dollars per month. That money can be used to reduce debt.

         Consolidate your debt. If you have more than one credit card and your accounts aren? all at their limit, you can transfer balances from higher-interest accounts to those with lower interest accounts. Alternatively, if you own a home, you probably have accumulated some equity. You can obtain a home equity loan or line of credit and transfer some of your debt to that loan. As a bonus, the interest on home equity loans is tax deductible. Be careful, though. If you transfer your debt to a home equity loan, you can lose your home if you do not repay it.

         Find a reputable credit counselor. This will soon be a prerequisite to filing for bankruptcy, thanks to a recently passed Federal law. Counseling agencies can negotiate with your creditors to help you establish a repayment plan that you can afford. They may be able to have interest rates reduced or have late fees waived. Most agencies charge for their services, but the reputable ones limite their fees to what you can afford to pay.

         File for bankruptcy. This is not a decision to be taken lightly, as a bankruptcy filing will remain on your credit record for ten years. By filing for bankruptcy, you declare to the courts that you cannot repay your debts. Most consumers are currently allowed to file under Chapter 7 of the Federal code, which allows the courts to wipe out most debts. This will change this fall, as recently passed Federal legislation takes place. The new regulations will likely require a repayment schedule, and attorney, and higher filing fees. Bankruptcy can help you get a fresh start, but it? not a magic solution. It will be quite difficult to reestablish credit after a bankruptcy filing

         Having more debt than you can handle is a serious problem, but like most problems, it is one that has available solutions. The first step is to act promptly, as unattended debts only grow larger. With time, patience and diligence, most consumers can overcome the burden of excessive debt.

         ?opyright 2005 by Retro Marketing. Charles Essmeier is the owner of Retro Marketing, a firm devoted to informational Websites, including, a site devoted to establishing credit, debt consolidation and credit counseling.

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Beginners Guide to How Buying, Flipping, Optioning, and Leas

         There seems to be a lot of hot air and expensive courses promising amazing property deals that fall fom the sky into your lap if you will only buy their course but typically there are only 2 ways to achieve success.

         We will ignore for now the more traditional methods of purchasing property (even with vendor finance) then either renovating, reselling or renting out although all of these stategies have made a lot of people very wealthy and are explored fully in previous articles.

         A. The basis of "flipping" is that you find someone who is motivated enough to sell their property that you can buy or option it at a price low enough for you to either onsell it to a developer/renovator or renovate quickly and sell at a profit. That's it, everything else is hot air.

         B. A lease/purchase deal is where you lease a property at a cost that covers the owners repayments plus their insurance and rates for a set amount of time (usually 1 - 2 years) and they give you an option covering that time to purchase the property at a price you agree on now.

         You then lease/sell this on to someone who can't get a traditional loan right now but who is keen to buy their own house and agrees to give you a deposit plus pay rent.

         The money is in 3 places; the deposit they pay you (you pay next to no deposit,polo Ralph Lauren, the difference between your lease repayments and your buyer's (their's are a bit higher to give you positive cash flow), and the difference between the price you negotiated for your purchase option and the price your buyer agrees to as their purchase option if and when they purchase. (Hint: Don't be greedy, be fair in your dealings with people and word of mouth will spread)

         Of the two it is easier to find more sellers willing to lease/purchase as there are more people in this category.

         Here then are the 9 beginners guidelines for success in this game.

         1. Choose, know and like your area, and if it isn't an area you like don't look there, no matter how much people tell you it is ripe for deals.

         This will be what you do in your spare time, as a part time or full time job, and I guarantee if you don't like the area you are looking in you won't do the work.

         You know how there are some areas which just agree with you, maybe the people are different or the streets are tree lined or that bit wider or maybe you prefer narrow streets with interesting cottage houses, whatever it is, go with what you enjoy.

         As a rule of thumb it is a good idea to choose an area near where you live because you will be spending a lot of time here.

         2. Speak the truth, there is this perception that to do well in real estate you have to be some sort of fast talking shark. The best policy you can adopt in business and life is to speak the truth and be true to yourself.

         3. Do your Homework. This doesn't sound very sexy as plenty of seminars would have you believe these deals fall fom the sky but you have to decide what type of property you are going to focus on (eg 3bdrm homes) and become an expert on this type of property in your area.

         There used to be a lesson taught in real estate investing called the hundred house lesson. That being that you can't make any offer on any property until you had properly looked at and listed the details of 100 properties.

         4. How to find motivated sellers. The application of Direct Marketing Principles are the key to success here. Jay Abraham and Jay Conrad Levinson both have excellent books on this subject you can pick up secondhand on

         The basis behind the sucess of all these courses is finding people who want to sell bad enough to do some creative deal with you.

         Your goal is to get 100 calls per month. You WILL get 1 deal per week if you place classified ads, put up signs, write letters to local financial planners, develop good relationnships with the real estate agents in your areas, send regular postcards and the other strategies outlined in these books.

         Hopefully this has given you enough information to think about whether you really like this enough before you go spending big money on overpriced information.

         Part II of this article is now also available from

         All the best,


         P.S. 97% of people never do anything with their courses and books on property and wealth other than watch them gather dust.
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Real Estate Investing By The Numbers

         Just like most things real estate investing can be broken down into easy to learn step.

         Step One - Learn the basics:

         Ownership of real estate is evidenced by a valid deed. When you buy property the seller signs a deed that transfers his ownership interest to you. Most states use a Warranty Deed. With that deed the seller warrants that title to the property is as he has described. You would buy title insurance in case some defect in title was discovered after the transfer of ownership. Recording the deed is notice to the world that you are the new owner.

         You must know how to correctly fill out such basic documents as purchase offers, deeds, options, leases and rental agreements. Many of those documents have been recorded in your county and you can see many expert examples by viewing your County Recorders files.

         If you have borrowed money to buy the property the lender will record a mortgage or trust deed immediately after the Warranty deed has been recorded. This mortgage is a lien on the property and gives the lender power to foreclose if you violate terms of the loan, like stop making payments.

         Step Two - Understand how to buy real estate:

         Most sellers want to sell their property for full price and all cash. Investors generally want to buy at a discount and delay paying for as long as possible. To do that you must understand the many techniques an investor can use to satisfy the needs of the seller.

         You only make good deals if the seller is urgently motivated to sell. Perhaps he has lost a job, been transferred,Ralph Lauren, has a drug problem, is facing divorce, bought more house than he could afford... or a variety of other reasons why he/she must get out from under those mortgage payments.

         You can control real estate with leases, options, subject to techniques and a host of other "creative ideas". To be successful you must understand which technique to use in which situation. You just talk to the seller until you learn what he/she will accept.

         Step Three - You must uncover a steady stream of motivated sellers:

         They are always plenty of people who must sell their homes and sell them in a hurry. The trick is to find them. Since most people will so "no" to any offer but all cash, you need to be constantly on the search those motivated home owners.

         My experience is that most new investors don't fail at investing... they fail at marketing. Marketing is how you sell you skill as an investor and find enough motivated sellers to keep the cash rolling in.

         You can use billboards, flyers, telephone calls, door to door canvassing, bandit signs, newspaper ads, Web sites, direct mail... or any combination. If you don't use good marketing every week of the year your chances of becoming a successful investors are minimal.

         Good marketing is the secret. You can be expert at every creative buying technique in the book. If you can't locate motivated sellers every week you just won't be able to buy houses.

         Time and again we've seen people with just basic knowledge of one or two buying techniques become very successful, because they are unrelenting in their search for motivated sellers. Perseverance and stamina can work wonders.

         My choice is to mail postcards, because they are inexpensive to prepare and send. You can read more about my postcard system at

         Step four - Always have an exit strategy before you buy:

         Before buying an investment property you must carefully evaluate the potential for profit. One of the keys to your evaluation will be to determine what you will do with the property if you buy it.

         Included in the many way to profit are:

         1. Place it in your "buy & hold" inventory if it will produce profitable rental income.

         2. Place it in your "buy & hold" inventory if it will produce break-even cash flow and you expect it to increase in value by 8% to 15% or more per year.

         3. You can assign the purchase contract to another investor for a one time cash payment.

         4. You can buy the property and immediately sell it to a retail buyer and cash-out.

         5. You can exchange it for a more desirable property.

         6. Refinance cash out and use the money for the down payment on another property.

         7. Etc...


         Now you can visualize the four basic steps in real estate investing. You'll never know all there is to know about every step. Just get started and add to your knowledge as you go along. Remember, all it takes to be successful is perseverance and stamina!

         Mark Walters is a third generation investor who shares his experience at his Web site:

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