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  In just over a month the Summer Olympics will kick-off in London with thousands of athletes competing for their countries to bring home the gold
  In just over a month the Summer Olympics will kick-off in London with thousands of athletes competing for their countries to bring home the gold
==   Gone are all my joyes at once ==
<p>  这是我夜间的幻境</p>
<p>  我爱你,我爱你</p>
<p>  For oh! Eternity is too short</p>
<p>  As long as the stars shine above, I will want you。</p>
<p>  And although your sights I leave,</p>
<p>  穿越永恒时光,到你耳边</p>
<p>  I love thee, I love thee,</p>
<p>  我要唱一首欢乐的歌</p>
<p>  我所挚爱的只有你</p>
<p>  只要神的庇佑不曾失去,我们的爱就永不会消亡</p>
<p>  虽然我的视线中不再有你</p>
<p>  Dear, when I from thee am gone,[http://www.saclouisvuitton2012.org sac louis vuitton pas cher],</p>
<p>  Sight wherein my joyes do lie,</p>
<p>  My dreaming in the day。</p>
<p>  在爱中我曾经无比欢愉</p>
<p>  In those love I joyed once,</p>
<p>  Gone are all my joyes at once;</p>
<p>  亲爱的,当我离开你</p>
<p>  而对你赞美之情</p>
<p>  As long as there is love, I will cherish you。</p>
<p>  我的快乐也随即失去</p>
<p>  As long as there are waves in the ocean, I will need you。</p>
<p>  了解世界历史,[http://www.saclouisvuitton2012.org louis vuitton pas cher],同时提高英语听力水平。经典历史新闻,与您一起回顾尘封的过去!取……[详细]</p>
<p>  To utter all thy praise。</p>
<p>  'Tis all that I can say;</p>
<p>  Never shall affection die,[http://www.saclouisvuitton2012.org sac louis vuitton]。</p>
<p>  Till that death do sense</p>
<p>  As long as there is life, I will love you,[http://www.cheapairjordans4sale.net jordans shoes]。</p>
<p>  It is my vision in the night,</p>
<p>  我能说的仅此而已</p>
<p>  只要海水仍然奔涌扬波,我都将永远需要你在身边</p>
<p>  情人节-为她吟首浪漫情诗</p>
<p>  和白日的美梦。</p>
<p>  感情仍然依依不去</p>
<p>  Through all eternity to thee</p>
<p>  只要生命还在,我都将永远爱你</p>
<p>  bereave,[http://www.cheapairjordans4sale.net cheap jordans],</p>
<p>  I loved thee, and thee alone,[http://www.saclouisvuitton2012.org louis vuitton],</p>
<p>  A joyful song I'll raise,</p>
<p>  我的快乐也黯然逝去</p>
<p>  只要头顶还有星光闪耀,我都将永远渴求你的陪伴</p>
<p>  永远也倾吐不尽</p>
<p>  As long as there is heaven above, there will always be our love。</p>
<p>  情人节又要到了,想好送什么礼物了吗?有的时候女孩子并不看重多贵重的礼物,[http://www.cheapairjordans4sale.net air jordans],反而是一句贴心的话更能让她感受到你的心意哦。今年为她读首诗吧。这年头,还有肯为女朋友读诗的男生吗?也许是酸了一点,但是浪漫指数不是一般的高哦。</p>
<p>  当所有感觉一并丧失</p>
<p>  只要爱还在,[http://www.cheapairjordans4sale.net cheap air jordans],我都将永远珍惜你</p>Related articles:
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  <li>[http://en.wiki.modwheelmood.ru/index.php?title=User:183402968900#From_the_beginning_to_the_present From the beginning to the present]</li>
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Revision as of 17:49, 15 June 2012


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Even when the 32-year-old goes on vacation, she always packs her medicine ball, weights, and her Nikes. “I'll work out at the beach and in my hotel room


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Even when the 32-year-old goes on vacation, she always packs her medicine ball, weights, and her Nikes. “I'll work out at the beach and in my hotel room

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Even when the 32-year-old goes on vacation, she always packs her medicine ball, weights, and her Nikes. “I'll work out at the beach and in my hotel room

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Even when the 32-year-old goes on vacation, she always packs her medicine ball, weights, and her Nikes. “I'll work out at the beach and in my hotel room

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Even when the 32-year-old goes on vacation, she always packs her medicine ball, weights, and her Nikes. “I'll work out at the beach and in my hotel room

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In just over a month the Summer Olympics will kick-off in London with thousands of athletes competing for their countries to bring home the gold

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In just over a month the Summer Olympics will kick-off in London with thousands of athletes competing for their countries to bring home the gold

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In just over a month the Summer Olympics will kick-off in London with thousands of athletes competing for their countries to bring home the gold

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